Race Events
Race Calendar
Mark your Calendar - the annual Frostbite Series racing begins November 11, 2023 with race dates scheduled through March 6, 2024. No registration required. For more details, visit us at the clubhouse on Fire Fridays.
Race results will be posted on regattanetwork.com, with the link posted on both FB pages as well as the CSC GroupMe event pages.
13: CSC/TLSC – Frostbite Series Race #2
27: CSC/TLSC – Frostbite Series Race #3
1-3: SYC/US Sailing - National Symposium (DeSoto Hotel)
6-10: SYC – Foiling Rally (UFO and Wasp foiling boats)
10: CSC/TLSC – Frostbite Series Race #4
24: CSC/TLSC – Frostbite Series Race #5
09: CSC/TLSC – Frostbite Series Race #6
23-24: GSC - St. Patrick’s Regatta, Wilmington River/Wassaw Sound
6: CSC / SCYC Annual Ocean Hook Race
18-21: CORA - Charleston Race Week
27-28: SYC – Sunfish Regatta, Wilmington River
4-5 : SCYC - Windmill Harbour Regatta & DDS&A (Domenica De Sole & Associates) Cup
TBD : CORA/SYC – Savannah Cup (Charleston to Savannah overnight)*
1-2 : SYC D12 Laser Regatta
8-9 : SYC Wassaw Cup, Wilmington River
8-9 : CORA Summer Sailstice Offshore (100 miler overnight)
22-23 : CSC Summer Sailstice Raft-up
29-30 : SYC Firecracker Regatta (Sunfish, Laser, Opti and M15)
TBD : CHYC Open Regatta Including J24s
TBD : CORA – QuickSilver Cup (Charleston to Port Royal or Hilton Head overnight)*
21-22: SYC - Wild Turkey Thistle Regatta, Skidaway River
28-29: CSC - Oktoberfest Regatta, Wilmington River
5-6: SYC - McIntosh Cup, Wilmington River
12-13: SCYC - Ocean Challenge Regatta, Port Royal Sound
TBD: SAYRA – Women’s Club Championship
TBD : CSC/TLSC – Frostbite Series Race #1
Please check back
for updates
CORA - Charleston Ocean Racing
Rear Commodore, Rearcommodore@charlestonoceanracing.com, www.charlestonoceanracing.com
CHYC – Charleston Yacht Club: Tyler Benjamin, tjbenjamin51@gmail.com, www.charlestonyachtclub.com
CSC - Chatham Sailing Club
Race chair: Rob Mechem, rmechem@yahoo.com
GSC - Geechee Sail Club
Angela Margolit
email: amargolit@hotmail.com, www.geecheesailingclub.org
HRYC - Halifax River Yacht Club
Race Chair, hryc@hryc.com, www.hryc.com
SCYC - South Carolina Yacht Club
Mark Newman
SIBC – Skidaway Island Boating Club
Doug Powelson
email: dpwlsn@gmail.com, www.skidawayislandboatingclub.org/
SYC - Savannah Yacht Club
Adam Young
ayoungcms@yahoo.com, www.savannahyachtclub.org
TLSC – The Landings Sailing Club:
Doug Powelson, dpwlsn@gmail.com
YCHHI - Yacht Club of Hilton Head Island
Jim Vaughn, VaughnBusiness@hargray.com, www.yachtclubhh.org
Race results will be posted on regattanetwork.com, with the link posted on both FB pages as well as the CSC GroupMe event pages.
How to register and pay for CSC sponsored events.
Conveniently pay for CSC registrations, member dues and CSC swag using Venmo. Subscribe to Venmo here. When registering on our membership page, please provide your full name and a brief description with your payment. Our Venmo ID is @chathamsailclub
Note: We cannot accept payment for events sponsored by other clubs. See full list of local sailing clubs and organizations below.
Event t-shirts: To order an event shirt, please specify your name, the event, garment type, style and size in the description field and send a Venmo payment to us at @chathamsailclub. Once you've registered for an event, we'll notify you when the event t-shirts are available.